

AI-powered social listening tool for monitoring online mentions.

Keyword Search Volume

ai social listening tool7920$53.14
ai-powered insights1530$17.65
automated reporting15590$46.79
brand awareness measurement24320$52.78
brand reputation management11320$43.36
competitive analysis1418.1K$13.62
customer feedback analysis11260$7.42
customer insights111.3K$12.78
data-driven decisions113.6K$9.62
hashtag tracking37320$7.28
influencer score1550$5.12
market research2514.8K$13.35
online reputation management372.9K$68.58
real-time monitoring12480$13.04
sentiment analysis1412.1K$18.26
social media analytics382.4K$15.84
social media monitoring281.3K$27.69

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